If given the option to, we would certainly like the extra push that supplements provide us with to reach our body goals. supplements act as catalysts and stimulate muscle growth. However, much like our fitness goals, our bodies also require different supplements to maximize the gains.

Creatine is proven to improve strength, fasten the recovery of muscles, and help build leaner muscles.
It is especially favored by athletes on their quest to outshine their opponent.
Part of the reason behind its popularity can be attributed to its accessibility. Ranging from muscle building pills, powders to drinks and energy bars that can be bought at your local supermarket or on amazon and are, therefore the best muscle building supplements for beginners.
it is immensely loved due to its ability to provide sudden bursts of speed and energy, especially during brief bouts of high-intensity pieces of training namely weight lifting, sprinting, etc. however creatine has not been proven to particularly assist with endurance sports. Research also shows that not everyone’s muscles are responsive towards creatine; some people who use it thus see no benefit.
Protein supplements:

Sufficient protein is crucial for bodybuilding and muscle growth. Even though we may have protein as a part of our daily diet it is certainly not enough for us to hit our daily target. The benefits of protein do not pertain to just building muscle, either: it’s required for a host of other critical bodily functions and also has the happy knack of making you feel fuller for longer, which diminishes the likelihood of you reaching for food later and inducing weight loss.
The different types of protein powders include- whey protein, egg protein and hemp protein. Many protein powders contain additional ingredients, viz, creatine, L-carnitine and enzymes from the sports nutrition world designed to support or enhance performance and recovery.
protein powders can, needless to say, get hard to keep track of or burn a hole in your pocket. However, the gains will be worth every penny.

While more research on beta-alanine and muscle gain is continuing, this supplement has proven to fast forward muscle gain when combined with an effective exercise program not to mention how it enhances the overall health of the consumer. Beta-Alanine is a non-essential amino acid. Unlike most amino acids, it is not used by your body to synthesize proteins. Instead, together with histidine, it produces carnosine. Carnosine reduces lactic acid accumulation, resulting in healthier muscles during exercise, which leads to improved performance by reducing your muscles acid content beta-alanine lessens overall fatigue. it is also the best muscle building supplement for seniors due to its ability to increase immunity.
vegetarians and vegans have about 50% less carnosine in their muscles compared to omnivores. it is most commonly found in fish, egg and poultry. Beta-alanine may be even more effective when combined with supplements like sodium bicarbonate or creatine.
Taking excessive amounts of beta-alanine may cause paraesthesia, an unusual sensation typically described as “tingling of the skin.” It’s usually experienced in the face, neck and back of the hands.
Branched-Chain Amino Acids or BCAA’s:
Branched-chain amino acids are among the essential amino acids used by our bodies to conduct muscle synthesis. The specific amino acids that make up the branched-chain amino acids are leucine, isoleucine, and valine. The term branched-chain simply refers to their branched carbon chemical structure.BCAA’s serve different purposes tp everyone, athletes take oral supplements to improve recovery after workout whereas others may also use it to treat problems like muscle wasting and loss of appetite. Naturally, we obtain these BCAA’s from lentils, brown rice, beef, lamb, poultry, whey, etc.
needless to say, BCAA’s are not free from negatives, which include nausea, increased blood glucose levels, therefore it is better to be on the safe side by informing your doctor of any supplements you take, including natural ones.
Beta- hydroxy beta – methyl butyrate:
Beta-hydroxy beta-methyl butyrate (HMB) is a molecule that’s produced when your body processes the amino acid leucine. It may be especially important for reducing the breakdown of muscle proteins, taking it as a supplement allows for higher levels and may benefit your muscles. it is yet another best muscle- building supplements for beginners as it is shown to increase muscle mass among untrained adults that have 3–6 grams of HMB from weight training
However, other research shows that similar doses of HMB are probably not effective at increasing muscle mass in adults with weight training exercises.
HMB should ideally be taken an hour before training to reduce muscle damage or if unable to do so taking it immediately after does the same job. It is available in the powder form and hassle-free in its preparation and consumption.